2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg
De Sadorn, degves warn ügens mis Meurth.
Saturday, 30th March
De Sadorn Pask ew. En termyn eus passyes tho an kehesnos gwenton ha’n nessa loor leun sans dhe’n dhuwes Saxon Ostara po Eostre. Düwes o hei an arvester ha tevyans nowydh. Cristyons Sowsnek a wras devnydh a’n hanow rag “Easter”, degol ow merkya dasserhyans Crist. Ma Kernôwegoryon ow ûsya an hanow “Pask” dhort an ger en Latin “pascha”. An arwodhyow Ostara ew an scovarnek (best gen scovarnow hir) ha oyow. Da ew gen flehes whilas oyow (choclat) cüdhys gen Scovarnek (po Cònin) Pask.
Pask lowen re bo dhe whei oll avorow.
Saturday, 30th March. It is Easter Saturday. In past times the spring equinox and the next full moon were sacred to the Saxon goddess Ostara or Eostre . She was the goddess of fertility and new growth. English Christians made use of the name for “Easter”, the festival marking the resurrection of Christ. Cornish speakers use the name “Pask” from the Latin word “pascha”. The symbols of Ostara are the hare (an animal with long ears) and eggs. Children like to look for eggs (chocolate) hidden by Easter Hare (or Rabbit).
May you all have a Happy Easter tomorrow.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
arvester (m) fertility
cònin (m) rabbit
dasserhyans ~ dasserhans (m) resurrection (SWFM dasserghyans)
duwes (f) goddess
gwil devnydh a to make use of
Kernôwegoryon Cornish speakers
oyow eggs < oy (m)
scovarnek (m) hare < scovarn (m) ear
tevyans (m) grow < tevy to grow
whilas to look for
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