2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek

De Sül, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth.

Du Pask

Sunday, 31st March

Easter Day

En bledhydnyow kens an flehes wydn alja whilas aga oyow Pask et ow lowarth bras. Kensena ow gour alja gwitha an lowarth, bes en vledhen ma nag ew y yehes pur dha ha'n lowarth ew dirowl ha pur leb. Na alja nei cüdha oyow veth rag Scovarnek Pask. Na fors! Contentys o an flehes gen whilas e'n lowarth bian ow mergh. Thew hedna dirowl ewedh, saw moy es o rag an flehes dhe gavas aga oyow.

In previous years the grandchildren could look for their Easter eggs in my big garden. Previously my husband could look after the garden, but this year his health is not very good and the garden is uncontrolled and very wet. We couldn't hide any eggs for Easter Hare. No matter! The children were contented with searching in my daughter's small garden. That is uncontrolled as well, but it was easier for the children to find their eggs.

Deg ger rag hedhyw. Ten words for today

contentys contented, pleased, satisfied

cüdha to hide

dirowl uncontrolled, wild

flehes wydn grandchildren < flogh gwydn ~ wydn (m/f)

gleb wet > pur leb very wet

gwitha to look after, keep

kens previous > kensena previously

mergh (f) daughter

na fors no matter

yehes (m) health


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