2024 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Trei
De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Me
Wednesday, 22nd May
Scon y vedh othom dhen a dhewis canajow dhe dhanon bys en Loundres dhe vos agan Esely Senedh. Soweth, nag eus Senedh Kernow, na whath. Peth eus othom dhe nei? Pan vaner ombrofyer a dal nei gweles? Ma whans dhen a nebonan (den po benyn) heb preder a'y honan, heb sqwithter, codnyk ha für, na pedn bobba na chorl, wheg ha hegar. Ew hedna re? Ha piw a vedh Kensa Menyster an gwelha? Piw a via da rag Kernow?
Soon we will need to choose representatives to send to London to be our Members of Parliament. Sadly, there is no Cornish Assembly, not yet. What do we need? What kind of candidate should we see? We want somebody (man or woman) selfless, untiring, clever and wise, neither fool nor scoundrel, kind and amiable. Is that too much? And who will be the best Prime Minister? Who would be good for Cornwall?
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
canajow representatives < cadnas (f)
chorl (m) scoundrel
codnyk clever, talented (SWFM konnyk)
danon ~ danvon to send
dewis to choose, pick, elect
Esely Senedh Members of Parliament
< Esel Senedh (m) E.S. M.P.
heb preder a'y hònan selfless, unselfish
heb sqwithter untiring, tireless
ombrofyer (m) candidate
pan vaner what kind (of), what sort, etc.
pedn bobba (m) fool, dolt
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